Community Grant Scheme
Grant applications 2025/26.
Applications to be received by May 2025. They will be considered at Community Involvement meeting in July 2025.
There will be another round of grants awarded next year.
Wheathampstead Parish Council invite applications for community grants each year. Projects must be achievable within a year and grants are for a maximum of £500. All grants are purely at the discretion of the Council. The Council is not bound by previous decisions, and retrospective grants will not be considered.
Once awarded the Council will require written confirmation of how the grant has been spent. This may include a report, photographs, copies of receipts etc. This must be provided by the end of the financial year. Applications will be considered twice yearly by the Community Involvement Committee.
The Council support voluntary and charitable organisations that provide services of direct benefit to the residents of the village. The granting of funds will be considered in line with the aims of the Council are which to improve the quality of life for the residents of Wheathampstead by ensuring that it is a desirable, thriving and sustainable place in which to live.
We will consider all types of applications, however they will be particularity welcome from:
- Voluntary groups that provide services for other people.
- Voluntary groups that support disadvantaged people to access something they could not otherwise access.
- Applications to purchase items that will be shared by many.
- Different and innovative events or projects that benefit the community.
- The benefit to the local community
- Increasing local people’s engagement and interest in local democracy
- Promoting involvement in community life
- Bringing together people from different backgrounds
- Reducing inequalities
- Supporting individuals with disabilities
- Engaging young people in positive activities
- Supporting the needs of the elderly
Each award is considered as “one off” grant and are therefore limited. However, this should not deter groups from applying, as the Council is aware that small amounts of funding for start-up groups can be vital. When granting funds, we will look for evidence of achievement of these policies.
How to apply
You must complete an online application form below by the dates stated above (also noted within the form).
Please ensure you read the policy document thoroughly before applying.