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Allotments and Grazing

Allotment news/updates

Following on from our successful allotments evening, Bill Worthington has kindly shared his slides for the ‘No Dig’ method. You can see them by clicking on the link No Dig Allotments

Bonfires will be banned on all allotment fields from 1 April 2023. For more information, click here to read the email sent to all tenants.

The rules have been slightly amended with regards to keeping livestock. Section 3.13 now states: 
Although it is lawful under Section 12 of the Allotments Act 1950 to keep hens or rabbits / certain livestock on an allotment. However, the Parish Council has restricted the keeping of livestock to poultry. The tenant shall not keep or allow other persons to keep any livestock on the allotment site without the written consent of the Council. Tenants are required to register livestock with the Council and meet the minimum standards in these and supplementary guidelines (see Appendix 2 for Guidelines for keeping livestock and beekeeping on allotments). The tenant must also refer to the poultry guidelines which can be found on the Parish Council website. A paper copy can also be obtained from the office.


The Parish Council owns two allotment sites and rents two more, from Herts County Council and St Albans Diocese.  There are currently 186 allotments in total across these four fields and are made up three different sized plots. The costs detailed below are applicable from 1 April to 31 March and are payable per annum. 

If you are interested in renting an allotment, please email us at

Priority is given to Wheathampstead residents, however, if you live elsewhere we are happy to put your details on our waiting list should we ever have several vacant plots.

The fees for 2024/25 are £5.00 per pole:

  • 2.5 pole = 63 sqm – £12.50 per annum
  • 5 pole = 127 sqm – £25.00 per annum
  • 10 pole = 253 sqm – £50.00 per annum

Costs may be discounted if a plot is taken with less than six months remaining of the allotment year.

Click on each of the allotment fields to view its location on Google Maps.

  • The Folly – Folly Fields
  • The Slype, Gustard Wood – Baxendale
  • Marford Road – Glebe (closest to L’Olivo) and Hitchens (the larger of the two fields, closest to Necton Road)

Fields plans can be found here. Either scroll through the images or use the tabs at the bottom to view each field plan, depending on the device you are using. 

The Allotments Sub-Committee looks after the day-to-day operation of the plots and there are representatives from each allotment site on the committee. The committee report to the Community Involvement Committee. 

The National Allotment Society 

The Royal Horticultural Society


In addition to allotments, we have are three grazing plots and one smallholding. We rent these out on a rolling annual licence. When they become available they are advertised widely so that interested parties can submit a sealed tender for the plot.