Bins and waste collection
There are many mixed waste bins throughout the village belonging to either St Albans District Council or Wheathampstead Parish Council. Scroll down for a map of all bins (to be updated regularly – some non-parish council owned bins may be missing).
In November 2020, the Parish Council installed several new bins across the village. These new style bins are closed at the top to make it more difficult for animals such as foxes and squirrels to get at the rubbish, which was often found strewn across the grass in the mornings.
Did you know that regular bins are also suitable for dog waste?
As dog waste no longer needs to be disposed of by a specialist company, all dedicated dog poo bins are to be gradually being removed and replaced with these wonderful new green and gold mixed waste bins.
Parish Council owned bins are emptied twice weekly.

Locations of bins
Use the map below to find a bin in Wheathampstead. The map can be opened using Google Maps
This map aims to include all bins, both WPC and SADC owned, but if you know of any that are not included on this map, please contact us (see contact info at the bottom of the page).