David Johnston
Committees: Community Involvement, Environment, Finance, Personnel (Chairman)
I moved to the village with my late wife in 1984. In those days, I worked in IT having a background in science. I started to get involved in village life around 2008 joining WEB and then became one of the project team restoring the station platform. The time with WEB and the station platform led on to me being recommended for the Parish Council.
Since 2011 I’ve been a Parish Councillor working on many, many projects including our Village Plan (now superseded by our Neighbourhood Plan), Village Day, The River Lea, Memorial Hall refurbishment, Crinkle-Crankle Community Garden, and so on. I have a strong interest in our fascinating village history, which I take every opportunity to promote. There’s so much happening in Council for the benefit of the community that there’s always something keeping me engaged.