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Volunteer to help make Village Weekend a success!

Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July 2019

Village Weekend is run by a handful of wonderful volunteers and every year we desperately need more people to help!! Are you able to help lighten the load so that all three events can run smoothly?

Click on the button below to see a list of activities/jobs that need doing

Please note:

  • You can put your name down for any jobs you wish to help with.
  • Everyone who has access to it will see which slots you have put your name down for immediately.
  • Once you have chosen a slot/s, please email Ellie at with your contact info. In accordance with data protection, your contact info will only be used for the purpose of volunteering.
  • If you are not comfortable writing your name on this form, please note your initials or just write ‘filled’.

Antisocial Behaviour

The Parish Council is aware of several incidents of antisocial behaviour recently within the village. We are regularly in contact with the local police and they politely request that ANY form of antisocial behaviour is reported directly to Herts Police. This can be done by calling 101 or you can report it online

Our PCSO is Ilias Poulakis (PCSO 6720) and he is happy to speak to members of the public directly but any incident MUST initially be reported through the correct channels to Herts Police in order for them to build up a clear picture of any ongoing antisocial behaviour.