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Author: Parish_Admin

Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road – closure from 8 April

Please be advised telecommunication installation works at Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road, Wheathampstead is programmed to take place on Monday 8 April (weather permitting).

To facilitate these works a road closure will be in place from 9.30 am- 4pm Monday – Friday,  8am – 5pm Saturday and 10am – 4pm Sundays.

This is currently programmed to be completed between:

Harpenden Road (junction of Brewhouse Hill to the junction with Wheathampstead Road): 8 April – 3 May

Wheathampstead Road (junction of Harpenden Road to the junction of Piggotshill Lane): 29 April – 24 May

Further information on these works can be found via the permit at: and You can also call 0161 907 1234.

Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road – closure from 8 April

Please be advised telecommunication installation works at Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road, Wheathampstead is programmed to take place on Monday 8 April (weather permitting).

To facilitate these works a road closure will be in place from 9.30 am- 4pm Monday – Friday,  8am – 5pm Saturday and 10am – 4pm Sundays.

This is currently programmed to be completed between:

Harpenden Road (junction of Brewhouse Hill to the junction with Wheathampstead Road): 8 April – 3 May

Wheathampstead Road (junction of Harpenden Road to the junction of Piggotshill Lane): 29 April – 24 May

Further information on these works can be found via the permit at: and You can also call 0161 907 1234.

Welcome to our new website!

We are pleased to unveil our new website, which we hope will be a great source of local information to both residents and visitors to the parish.

Our new-look website include details of local groups and organisations, various events around the parish, local news, details of road closures, information about open spaces, booking info for The Memorial Hall and so much more!

If you have a community based group/organisation that you wish to be included on our website, email

Please bear with us whilst we ensure that all relevant documentation (such as minutes and agendas) is made available.

Annual Parish Meeting 2019

The Annual Parish Meeting, which was held on Wednesday 20 March, gave our Councillors a great opportunity to share what they have been doing over the past four years.

Attendees heard about projects such as maintaining open spaces, upgrades to the sports facilities, the Neighbourhood Plan and plans for the future of The Memorial Hall, to name but a few.

Jane Parker, Principal Wastes Contract Officer from St Albans District Council, gave a presentation regarding food waste and provided an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Attendees were also given an opportunity to read the Neighbourhood Plan in detail and have their say, as well as view a snapshot of the WW1 Exhibition created by the History Society.

Save the date!

Village Weekend is taking place on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July this year.

Once again, Wheathampstead’s Got Talent will kick off the weekend, followed by the ever popular Picnic on the Meads. Village Day will conclude the weekend with something to suit everyone!

The defibrillator is back!

The defibrillator is now back in place at The Memorial Hall, having been taken to St Helen’s Church when someone fell ill during a service. 

The ambulance service has confirmed that it is not obligatory for the defibrillator to be given to the paramedics, unless they specifically request to take it or if it has nowhere safe to be stored.

This life-saving equipment is for public use, however, please notify Wheathampstead Parish Council if you remove it via email at or call 01582 832541. If you are unable to get the defibrillator back into its wall box securely, please keep hold of it until the first opportunity to return it. We will then check the battery and replace the pads as required. 

Willow spilling vandalised at the Meads

The willow spiling, which was put along the river banks by our extremely hardworking volunteers in 2018, has been vandalised and pulled out. This spiling was installed to help prevent erosion to the river banks, as well as allow access to the river for those wishing to paddle.  

If you have any information regarding the above, please contact us – or 01582 832541 – or call 101 to speak with the police.  

The willow spiling when it was first installed. 

Update – the future of the 304 and 657 bus services

Herts County Council will subsidise the weekday 304 St Albans-Hitchin service, to keep it going for now.

UNO have declined the offer of another contract for the Monday to Saturday 657 service and the Sunday 304 & 657 services. They plan to withdraw their Borehamwood-St Albans-Sandridge-Wheathampstead-Batford-Harpenden-Redbourn service from 21 April.

Herts  County Council  are negotiating a new contract, with another operator, to replace the current 657 service and will issue further information on the Intalink website as soon as it becomes available. 

It is the intention to keep the 657 weekday service running after 21 April, dependent of course on another operator taking on this route.

Changes to the 657 and 304 buses

The Sunday 304 St Albans-Wheathampstead service and the Sunday 657 St Albans-Sandridge-Wheathampstead-Batford-Harpenden-Redbourn service are under threat because the operator, UNO, have declined to accept a contract extension after 21st April. 

Herts County Council are currently going out to tender on behalf of St Albans City & District Council for a new operator to take on these services

Nomansland Common – tree works & refurbishment to car parks

Nomansland common is a haven for wildlife and the heathland to the north of Ferrers Lane is some of the best in south Hertfordshire. Slowly the heathland is being lost by encroaching trees and scrub.
Countryside Management Service (CMS) practical conservation volunteers have already been busy working on the site this winter by pulling out small silver birch regrowth using ‘tree poppers’ (a hand tool especially designed for pulling out small saplings by the roots) and by cutting medium sized trees using bowsaws. Some silver birch near to the woodland edge has been left to grow on to maturity. Already patches of heather that have been lost for many years are getting to see the light once again.
Contractors are now required to remove selected larger trees and scrub which are too big for volunteers to tackle from around the heathland areas. This will help uncover more of the vanishing heathland complimenting the work that the volunteers have undertaken. A small section of older gorse which has become leggy and dense is going to be coppiced (cut down to ground level), this will reinvigorate the gorse and allow light to reach heathland plants below.
Timescale: Contractors will be on site from 11 February 2019 for approximately 7-8 days.
Please follow any on site instructions or use alternative routes.
Visit the CMS website for more information about woodland management
CAR PARK REFURBISHMENT – Nomansland Common Access Improvements Works
Over the next couple of months works will be carried out across Nomansland Common to improve access. Ferrers Lane Car Park is going to have a facelift, West End Car Park is going to be resurfaced and a safer access route created from Dyke Lane to Drover Lane.
Ferrers Lane Car Park
The improvements here will be low key and sympathetic to the environment but will provide extra parking places and improved access for managing this special site. This car park will be CLOSED while works are taking place.
West End Car Park
This small car park is to be resurfaced, have improved drainage, bollards installed around the edges to stop people parking further onto the common and the sightlines along the road cut back to improve visibility. Access will also be improved for pedestrians and a special horse path will be created to avoid crossing the car park. This car park will be CLOSED while works are taking place.
Dyke Lane to Drover Lane
A short section of surfaced path will be installed from Dyke Lane into the woodland which will link to the bridleway. This will provide a safer alternative route to Drovers Lane rather than travelling along the main road (B651). Traffic signals will be in operation on the main road (B651) while works take place.
Ferrers Lane Car Park will be CLOSED from Monday 28th January for approximately 3 weeks
West End Car Park will be CLOSED from Monday 18th February for approximately 3 weeks
Dyke Lane works start Monday 11th March for approximately 3 weeks

Timings are subject to change due to the weather conditions
To undertake these works quickly and safely the car parks will need to be CLOSED. Please park in alternative car parks and follow any on site instructions.
We apologise for any disruption and thank you for your co-operation.

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