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Author: Parish_Admin

Antisocial Behaviour

The Parish Council is aware of several incidents of antisocial behaviour recently within the village. We are regularly in contact with the local police and they politely request that ANY form of antisocial behaviour is reported directly to Herts Police. This can be done by calling 101 or you can report it online

Our PCSO is Ilias Poulakis (PCSO 6720) and he is happy to speak to members of the public directly but any incident MUST initially be reported through the correct channels to Herts Police in order for them to build up a clear picture of any ongoing antisocial behaviour.

Hertfordshire County Council Residents’ Survey 2023 – deadline extended

You may recall that Hertfordshire County Council’s 2023 Residents’ Survey was launched this summer, which will be closing shortly.

Our survey is key in building a dialogue with Hertfordshire residents about their lives in the county. To make the right decisions in how we allocate our resources, we are undertaking a survey of residents’ views to establish perceptions of the council and residents’ opinions on their communities, priorities, concerns and wellbeing. Parish, district and county councillors are also being invited to share their views. You can complete the survey here

The deadline for responses to the survey has now been extended slightly to the 18th of September 2023 (11.59pm).

Please encourage residents where possible to take part before the survey closes. The findings of the survey will be used to help the council shape its priorities and will inform planning of the budgets and services to help to meet residents’ needs and expectations. It will also enable the council to measure progress against key priorities set in the Corporate Plan 2022-2025.