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Expansion of Tesco loading bay

Work is scheduled to begin to expand the Tesco loading bay on Monday 16 May to make deliveries easier and cause less congestion.. As previously notified the High Street between East Lane and the Nihao Chinese restaurant will be closed daytime. Please use the diversion route via Marford Road and Cory Wright Way/Codicote Road.

The closure will be 9.30am to 4pm only, road will be open outside these hours.

Businesses and East Lane Car Park will remain open THROUGHOUT.

A small part of East Lane Car Park will be used by the contractors and fenced off- effective from Friday 13 May. Please be mindful of construction vehicles in the car park and along East Lane.

Signage will be put in place by the contractors, who will also be leafletting the shops and residents. Thank you to Tesco for funding the improvements, and to Cllr Annie Brewster for making the project happen.

Wheathampstead Dementia Club volunteers

Wheathampstead Dementia Club – Brief Job Description for Volunteers

Do you have an interest in supporting a dementia-friendly community group of people with dementia and their carers?  We are a well established, independent group with good links to the Alzheimer’s Society.  We normally meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, except August, 10.30 to 12 pm at the Mead Hall and normally have up to 25 people attending.  We sometimes have outings and speakers.   

We are particularly in need of volunteers who could come along and help with serving refreshments and setting up tables and taking down at the end or who could just chat to our members.  For those involved in set up or refreshments, we would appreciate people who could be available from 10 am.  We would also welcome volunteers who could help with transport, though most of our members make their own way to the Mead Hall.  We encourage people with dementia to come with a relative or carer.

We are seeking people with an interest in and empathy towards those people living with dementia and their carers and who are team players with good communication skills.

If so, please contact John Gladwin on 01582 834223, Isobel Poole on 01582 832439 or Margaret Carter on 01582 832368.

High Street daytime part closure – works to Tesco layby – BUSINESS as USUAL for all shops and businesses

Part of the High Street will be closed for periods between 16 May and 3 June to reconfigure and expand the Tesco layby, to make deliveries easier and cause less congestion.

Precise timings will depend on the availability of the utility companies, hopefully it will be done sooner.

The road closure will only be for the length of the High Street from East Lane to the Nihao Chinese Restaurant.

The closure will be 9.30am to 4pm only, road will be open outside these hours.

Businesses and East Lane Car Park will remain open THROUGHOUT.

Signage will be put in place by the contractors, who will also be leafletting the shops and residents.

Thank you to Tesco for funding the improvements, and to Cllr Annie Brewster for making the project happen.

District Councillor Elections 5 May

St Albans City and District Council is running local elections on 5 May. Polling will as usual be at the Memorial Hall, 7am to 10pm.

Please note that access to the Polling Station will be via a ramp, entrance will be clearly marked and on the west side – Brocket View entrance if driving. Parking spaces as usual by the field.

There is no entry by vehicle from Marford Road or parking at the west side of the building because of the building works.

You don’t need your polling card to vote (though if you bring it/ know your elector number it helps the polling staff to find you on the register, so it can make voting quicker).

You do not need to bring any form of identification with you, polling staff will however ask you for your name and address.

Grants for under 25s

James Marshall Foundation provides grants for children and young people including those who have recently moved into the area such as refugees. Check out their online application or email or call them for more information