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Hertfordshire County Council Residents’ Survey 2023 – deadline extended

You may recall that Hertfordshire County Council’s 2023 Residents’ Survey was launched this summer, which will be closing shortly.

Our survey is key in building a dialogue with Hertfordshire residents about their lives in the county. To make the right decisions in how we allocate our resources, we are undertaking a survey of residents’ views to establish perceptions of the council and residents’ opinions on their communities, priorities, concerns and wellbeing. Parish, district and county councillors are also being invited to share their views. You can complete the survey here

The deadline for responses to the survey has now been extended slightly to the 18th of September 2023 (11.59pm).

Please encourage residents where possible to take part before the survey closes. The findings of the survey will be used to help the council shape its priorities and will inform planning of the budgets and services to help to meet residents’ needs and expectations. It will also enable the council to measure progress against key priorities set in the Corporate Plan 2022-2025.


Wheathampstead Parish Council is happy to be involved in Susfest once again and will be holding a sustainability day at the Marford Memorial Hall on Sunday 11th June, 11am – 5pm. Please come along and get involved in our clothes swap, repair shop, refill station and plant and seed swap. Entry is free and refreshments will be available. Remember to Reuse, Repair, Wear and Share!

New Emergency Alerts Service to be tested nationally on 23rd April

The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live. The system enables people to be contacted via their mobile phone when lives are in danger. It will be used to warn you in the event of emergencies, such as severe flooding.

On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the Emergency Alerts service.  Announcements – GOV.UK (

The message will confirm it is a test. You will not need to take any action. Please do not call the emergency services.

Emergency Alerts are sent to all compatible mobile phones within an area of risk. They don’t track your location, need your phone number, or collect personal data.

Only the government and emergency services can send them. If you don’t have a mobile phone, you’ll still be informed through other channels.

If you get an Emergency Alert, your phone or tablet will make a loud, siren-like sound for about 10 seconds. A message on your screen will tell you about the emergency and how best to respond. You can check an alert is genuine at About Emergency Alerts – GOV.UK (

Please note that the alert will sound even if your phone is on a silent setting.

If you have a secret or concealed phone that you use to keep yourself safe, for example from an abusive partner, you can opt out of receiving the alerts by changing the settings on your phone under “Emergency Alerts”.

This New Emergency Alerts system – a safety update for survivors – YouTube shows how to switch off the alerts for Android/iPhones (warning: the video contains audio).

Stay safe if the alert sounds while you are driving or operating machinery. Please do not look at your phone or attempt to respond in these circumstances as distractions can cause serious accidents.

Please note: This is a government system test.

Herts police, the Watch Liaison Team and Neighbourhood Watch are unable to answer enquiries about the system.