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Village Weekend Sat 9th and Sun 10th July – Volunteers needed

We’re looking forward to Village Weekend after a two year break, and hoping the sun will shine and everyone will have a fabulous time.

It’s run for the community by the community. Your councillors are all volunteers and this two day event takes a lot organisation. Have you got an hour or two either day you could spare to help out the stalwarts who traditionally ‘run’ it? from set up to close down we need help with many small jobs, such as coordinating the parking, directing people to the right point, marshalling, litter picking, serving refreshments on Picnic on the Meads.

If you’ve helped before, please confirm that you’d be happy to help again, if you’ve not assisted please get in touch.

You can speak to any of our events team or councillors but ideally Julia Warren or Anna / Andy Park who are coordinating this. or call the office on 01582 832541.

Thank you!

Traveller incursion at Butterfield Playing Fields, Old School Drive 22 June 2022

Thank you to everyone for helping to bring the unauthorised traveller incursion to an end within 24 hours.

To the local residents for their vigilance in reporting enabling a quick response. To the Police, HCC, SADC officers, Carter Jonas, Bailiffs, Bryan Lecoche Ltd and Cllr Annie Brewster. Various processes have to be undertaken and the negotiations at times tricky. Thank you to those who helped reassure our community, residents and businesses alike, and for ensuring our visitor knew they were not welcome and should not revisit.

HCC have arranged for an environmental clean, their contractor has already visited the site to assess.

The site has been resecured and we will look at how best to achieve a lasting solution

Uninvited travellers at Butterfield

We are aware that a number of unauthorised vehicles are at Butterfield Playing Fields/ Old School Drive and are working with Herts County Council, St Albans City and District Council and the police to resolve this matter.

St Albans City & District Council Community Grants

Community grant fund opens for applications

Community groups and charities in St Albans District can apply for grants of up to £5,000 for projects that help vulnerable people.

St Albans City and District Council has launched its £50,000 Community Project Fund for 2022/23.

The fundsupports the delivery of projects and activities that benefit the whole community and are in keeping with the Council’s inclusion strategy.

Grants are primarily for time-limited projects run by smaller organisations and which meet a community need.

There are two rounds of funding this year with the first opening on Thursday 16 June. A second round starts in November.

Among the organisations to receive a grant last year was the Phoenix Group for Deaf Children and Adults.

They were awarded £2,242 to run British Sign Language (BSL) courses within the community with the aim of increasing BSL skills and inclusion for deaf people.

Christchurch St Albans was awarded £2,715 to stage a free festival to help families, especially the more deprived, to have fun together over the summer holidays

Councillor Sarwar Shamsher, Vice-Chair of the Housing and Inclusion Committee, said: “These grants offer very valuable assistance to the District’s voluntary and community groups and can be used for sport, arts, music, outdoor activities or social groups.

“The fund is a major part of our inclusion strategy that is intended to support residents who are in need. The groups who benefit do a great deal of important work that has helped thousands of people across the District.”

Communities 1st, an organisation that provides advice to charities and encourages volunteering, helps the Council administer the fund.

They will be hosting an online information event on Thursday 16 July from 6 to 7pm. Details on how to sign up are here:

The Council’s Response Fund for 2022/23 has also opened for applications for grants from between £200 to £2,000 from a pot totalling £10,000.

Voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprise organisations and community interest companies can apply here:  

These grants are for small capital items or for funding for projects that need to be implemented quickly.

Local organisations are also encouraged to sign up as a good cause to the St Albans District Community Lottery. They can do so at as a way of raising more funds.

Since the first draw in April, 25 good causes have signed up and received £2,000 in extra funds between them.

Councillor contact: Councillor Sarwar Shamsher, Vice-Chair of the Housing and Inclusion Committee,; 07883 024251.

Contact for the media: 
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, 01727 819533,