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Closure of Ayot Greenway – from 8 February

From Herts County Council:

From Monday 8 February for approximately two weeks, we will be lightly thinning the woodland between Blackbridge and Sparrowhall Bridge at the western end of the Ayot Greenway in Wheathampstead.

Click on the map to the right to see the specific area being closed.

Click to enlarge

The main purpose of woodland management is to enhance this habitat and benefit biodiversity. Secondary woodland along the route will benefit from respacing for its future maturity, both providing mature trees the space to grow into and allowing natural regeneration to diversify age and species structure. In the long term, this work will improve the resilience and habitat value of the woodland. By maintaining or increasing light levels along the verges, this will also help secure the floristically rich verges which prompted the designation of the Ayot Greenway as a Local Wildlife Site and improve the potential of the habitat for grassland butterflies and moths.

For safety, this contract will require temporary closures along sections of the route. Warning posters will be put on site in advance to advise members of the public of the works taking place. The contractor will also provide appropriate signage when work begins.

We’d like to sincerely apologise for the short notice of these works. Under the current circumstances, it has been difficult for some contractors to plan too far ahead with their schedules.