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St Albans City & District Council- Grant coming soon for community groups.

St Albans City & District Council will be launching the new Response Capital Funding at the beginning of April. This grant will allow year-round applications with grants awarded between £200 and £2,000 from a total pot of £6,000. It is for organisations in need of small capital items to aid their delivery of services. Examples include IT equipment, portable ramps and sports or arts materials.

The new Community Project Funding will also be launching this year. It will be allocated twice-yearly and open for applications in May and November. Grants of between £500 and £5,000 will be awarded from a total fund of £41,000 available.

This grant will be aimed at smaller organisations for time-limited projects which meet community needs.

If you would like more information about application criteria and how to apply, please check for updates.

Village Weekend 2021

Having reviewed the Government’s Covid roadmap, with earliest lifting of restrictions being 21st June, we have decided to cancel Picnic on the Meads, scheduled for 10th July. We are looking at possibly rescheduling a scaled down ‘Village Day’ ( was 11th July) later in the year, possibly early autumn. Watch this space for updates.

The Crinkle Crankle Community Garden is ‘officially’ open!

Sue Walford sat next to the plaque in the garden
Click to enlarge the image

As some of you may know, the Parish Council intended to open the Crinkle Crankle Community Garden officially at VE Day in 2020.

As this wasn’t possible, a private socially distanced event took place in December 2020. Nigel Oxley installed a specially made plaque for Derek Hills. Derek’s partner Sue Walford, pictured in the image to the left, also attended.

Derek, who had been a Parish Councillor many years ago, kindly bequeathed a generous sum of money which was used towards creating the community garden. 

It’s that time again! Follow our Christmas Trails from 1 December

The Musical Village Christmas Trail

Follow the trail around the village & see how many Christmas carol/song themed decorations you can spot! For the live trail map, keep an eye on our homepage.

Decorate your home to be part of the trail! With your favourite carol or song in mind, decorate any part of your home – a window, front door, the whole house – as long as is it visible from the street. Get in touch ASAP via email or telephone so that your location can be added to the map.

WIN PRIZES! Our judges love originality, creativity & homemade creations. Three winners will be chosen on 21 Dec.

Click to expand image
Click to expand image

High Street Knitivity Trail

Can you work out the secret message hiding in the High Street windows?
Find a letter hidden amongst each knitted nativity scene in the business and shop windows along the High Street. Arrange the letters to work out the secret Christmas message!

WIN PRIZES! For a chance to win, email your answer & contact info to the email address below by 20 Dec. Three winners will be chosen at random.

Christmas 2020 is going to be a little different!

As we all know, 2020 has been a year of changes, challenges and unknowns. Sadly, many events have had to be cancelled or postponed and our annual Christmas Lights Up will have to be added to that list.

You will still be able to see the beautiful lights on the High Street, but we will not be having our usual event.

There WILL be something wonderfully Christmassy for the village to take part in which is much safer and allows for social distancing. Please keep an eye out on our social media and posters around the village for updates.

Village Weekend – a little different this year!

Had things been different, by now (3pm on Saturday) our volunteers would have been at working since 7am (having done even more work yesterday also), the lovely talent show contestants would be performing, people would be setting up picnic spots and everyone would be looking forward to the evening’s entertainment.

However, we hope that wherever you are and whatever you do this weekend, you have lots of fun.

Enjoy the time safely and responsibly with those around you and do whatever you can to keep smiling.

Celebrate Alban Weekend: 19-20 June 2020

As with many events in 2020, the Alban Street Festival will be celebrated virtually!

Visit to find out more about this two day event which takes place on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 June. 

In the absence of the annual St Albans Half Marathon, this virtual weekend festival also includes the 13.1 Challenge where participants can raise money for their chosen charity by creating their own challenges, such as running 13.1 kms, doing 131 press ups or committing to 13.1 minutes of meditation a day.

The St Albans Deputy Mayor, District Councillor and Wheathampstead resident Sandra Wood took part in this challenge recently by doing 13.1 circuits of our High Street. 

In recognition of her effort, Sandra welcomes any donations towards the St Albans and Hertsmere Womens’ Refuge, which is the Mayor’s chosen charity for 2020-2021.

Great work Sandra!

St Albans Cathedral are also celebrating this weekend, with the St Albans Pilgrimage ‘reimagined’ on Sunday 21 June. You can also learn about the significance of roses in Alban’s story and take part in the St Albans Rainbow Trail by displaying a paper rose.