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Important message from Affinity Water

We’re noticing extremely high demand for water in your area, due to the warm weather and many of us being at home to enjoy it. We’re doing all we can meet the demand and our production teams are working around the clock to treat and pump additional water into the network.

However, in some areas, water is being used faster than our teams can put it in, which is resulting in low pressure issues.

We are contacting customers directly through text, email and targeted social media posts to request that they use water for the essentials only, such as drinking, washing and cooking and avoid non-essential use such as watering the garden or filling inflatable pools.

Every drop counts. Taking shorter showers, skipping the car wash and turning off sprinklers and hoses can make a big difference collectively. But don’t forget to keep following government advice on regular hand washing.

Update: Pay & Play – Public tennis court use

One court is available for public use (singles/family play only) and with no lingering or socialising.

Contact Wheathampstead Parish Council on or call 01582 832541 for details and to arrange payment. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9.30am to 12.30pm, so you may not get a response outside of these times.

Users must follow Government social distancing and hygiene guidelines at all times. Users are also responsible for securing the gate on exit.

Visit or for more information.

Failure to observe these rules may mean the Parish Council have no option but to close the facility.

Please visit our dedicated page to find out more information –

Update: Wheathampstead’s Community Orchard

There are 26 fruit trees in the orchard, with two of each of these native Hertfordshire varieties, which were developed at the dates and places shown. They were planted in January 2014. They are on MM106 rootstocks so will grow to a height and width of about four metres. They will be ready for picking in September and October, the date varying between the different varieties.

Brownlees Russet (Hemel Hempstead 1848)
Thomas Rivers (Sawbridgeworth 1892)
Rivers St Martins (Sawbridgeworth 1896)
Crimson Newton Wonder (Holwell 1921)
Bushey Grove (Bushey 1926)
Young’s Pinello (Letchworth 1935)
Fairie Queen (Ware Park 1937)
Dawn (Ware Park 1940)
Gavin (Bayfordbury 1956)

Fertility (Sawbridgeworth 1875)
Conference (Sawbridgeworth 1875)
Parrot (Sawbridgeworth 1895)
Saint Luke (Sawbridgeworth 1897)

The three mature apple trees are at least 70 years old. They were planted by Arthur Wren, manager of the sewage works.

For more information, please contact the Meads ranger, Patrick McNeill, at or 07718 068575, or the Parish Council office.

Summer edition of The Pump – apology

In light of a recent concern, we wish to address an article that was recently published in our magazine. The article, titled ‘Kid Talk: How to cope with working parents’ (pg 8), suggests using products from the bathroom to make potions. The article was designed to be humorous, for just adults or adults to read alongside a child (and thus able to explain that it is meant to be tongue in cheek). However an issue has been raised that some potentially harmful cleaning products are kept in bathrooms, so this could be dangerous.

We apologise for the insensitivity of this and any other comments within this article that have caused our readers concern.

Tennis court now available for use

From today (13 May) one court will available for public use, for singles play only and with no lingering or socialising. If you wish to use this court, please call the Parish Council 01582 832541 for details and to arrange payment. Charges are £5 per hour. 

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Top of picnic bench stolen from The Meads

Do you know what happened to this picnic bench?

Some time earlier this week the top of this picnic bench, which currently lives on The Meads, was stolen.

If you saw anything or have any information that you think might help, please contact the non-emergency police number, 101.

Local facilities closed until further notice

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 23 March, all public facilities will be closed until further notice.

This includes the artificial turf pitch, tennis courts and play area at Marford Play Fields, as well as other play areas throughout the village. 

This is necessary to ensure social distancing, limit the spread of Coronavirus and protect the health and safety of our communities.

For further information about COVID-19, please visit

Parish Council changes in light of COVID-19 outbreak

The Parish Council is aware that these are difficult times for many and have therefore made changes to the following in order to protect both staff and residents wherever possible.

Parish Council office

The office at The Memorial Hall will be closed until further notice, however our staff will continue to work where possible. If you wish to contact us, you can do so by phoning 01582 832541 between 9.30am and 12.30pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email us at

Covid-19: Coordinated support for the village

The Parish Council is working closely with various village organisations to support those in need and has created a dedicated line for people to use – 01582 380910. Please click here for more details.

Please ensure that you are following the current rules set out by the government – see for more information.

Bookings at The Memorial Hall/artificial turf pitch (ATP)

We will not be taking any more bookings for The Memorial Hall or the ATP until further notice. If you wish to discuss any existing bookings that you have, please call or email us.  


We are cancelling our events for the 75th anniversary of VE Day, in line with the government’s guidelines regarding mass gatherings. We hope to celebrate this day later in the year, if possible.

A decision has not yet been made about Village Weekend (11/12 July). As we do not know what will happen in the coming months, we will monitor the situation and inform the village of our decision nearer the time.