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Changes to Citizen’s Advice support

Citizens Advice are adapting their service to reduce the risk of coronavirus to clients volunteers and staff. They are withdrawing all face to face services and moving all remaining resource to providing help over the phone.

As they have many older volunteers who have had to withdraw, they are not seeing clients in person until further notice. They are concentrating their resources to provide help from the base at the Civic Centre via phone and webchat.

If you are in need of any advice, please use the following free resources:


  • – For email advice and a local webchat service which is being created and should be available soon.

  • Call 01727 811118 – They will take a few details and arrange for an adviser to call back

  • Call 03444 111 444 – Adviceline

The CAB have asked that you bear with them at this time of unprecedented challenge.

Have your say and prevent changes to Wheathampstead

As detailed within our recent news post, the Local Government Boundary Commission (LGBCE) is reviewing the electoral arrangements in the District of St Albans. The proposed changes have major implications for Wheathampstead.
We need your help to prevent these changes from happening by responding to the consultation. 
Please read our detailed booklet which provides further information. It details how you can share your views. 

Official notices on Rectory Meadow & Glebe

The Diocese of St Albans have recently made applications to Herts County Council in respect of glebe land (land owned by the church). This includes Rectory Meadow and one of the allotment fields, named Glebe, which the Parish Council rents. 

This application referred to as ‘making a deposit under the Highways Act 1980 and the Commons Act 2006’ does not affect the current use of the land. 

A representative from the Diocese has said the following:

The application does not in any way affect the current use of the land, which as you know is let to the Parish Council.  The land can continue to be used under their lease just as it is at the moment.  In addition, it doesn’t affect the designation of Rectory Meadow, which I understand to be a Local Green Space within the local plan designation which governs the uses to which the land can be put.

The effect of making a deposit is that it resets the clock on any new public rights of way, or commons rights, being acquired based solely on a period of use by the public. 

The application was made on the recommendation of the Board’s managing agents that it is prudent management and good stewardship to take this step, especially as the Board holds glebe on behalf of beneficiaries.  The Board is making deposits for other glebe land in the diocese in a similar way.

Herts County Council offer information regarding the affect of making a deposit. For a more detailed, lengthy explanation you can visit Lancashire County Council’s website.

Crossing patrol on Brewhouse Hill/The Hill

There are currently no crossing patrols on Brewhouse Hill or The Hill by the entrances to St Helen’s Primary School.

St Helen’s have tweeted following a meeting with various Councillors, including Annie Brewster and our MP, Bim Afolami, this morning. Kaye Healy and Kate Taylor have said:

“We are gravely concerned about the safety of our children. Staff, parents and carers are doing their very best but swift action needs to be taken before someone is seriously hurt.”

Could you help with the crossing patrol?

If you are interested in this role, click here to visit the Herts County Council website.

Trial period for weekend lighting on the astro turf pitch

As of 28 December 2019, the floodlighting for the ATP on Marford Playing Fields will be on during the weekend evenings, as well as during the week.

Council have agreed to a trial period of six months. If it is felt that this is being abused, the lights will no longer be on during the weekends (unless hired privately).

The ATP can be used Monday-Saturday 9am to 9pm and Sunday 9am to 8pm*.

Please be mindful of the rules, such as those regarding correct footwear, litter, noise etc.

* These times are in line with planning conditions.

What do you think about the policing budget?

The Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd would like to hear Councillors’ and residents’ thoughts about funding for the Hertfordshire Constabulary as he is looking to raise the policing precept in order to maintain a larger force. For more information on the Comissioner’s plans, visit 

You can thereafter complete a quick survey here.

The survey closes on Thursday 9 January.

London Luton Airport Consultation

We encourage residents of Wheathampstead to respond to the consultation to increase the volume of air traffic to and from Luton airport.  Please see the link provided below:

Under the section ‘Enter a keyword, reference number, postcode or single line of an address’, type or copy and paste in the planning reference as follows: 19/00428/EIA – then click search.

The consultation will run until 8 January 2020.

Sheepcote Lane to Codicote Road – closure

From Hertfordshire County Council:

The public byway between Sheepcote Lane and Codicote Road will be closed for up to 21 days (starting 3 December 2019). 

The closure is due to the surface damage along the byway, which is being repaired. Once the works are complete, the aim is for the byway to be more accessible to walkers and cyclists. 

See below road closure notice.