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SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan Consultation

The five councils in SW Herts are working together to produce a Joint Strategic Plan. This will address some of hte biggest issues and challenges facing the area to 2050.

They are Dacorum Borough, Hertsmere Borough, St Albans City and District, Three Rivers District and Watford Borough, supported by Herts County Council.

The plan seeks to create a vision for the locality, setting out priorities including coordinating transport, education and healthcare infrastructure with new homes and jobs in the right places.

Consultation 5 Sept – 4 November (5pm)

Submit electronically via their website or email

Closing date 4 November at 5pm

Thefts at Parish Council allotment sites

A number of allotment tenants reported thefts and unauthorised entry into their sheds earlier this week. Items taken ranged from hosepipes to lawn mowers, one dismantled to free it from the lock used to secure it.

Please notify us and the police if you witness suspicious activity or experience thefts.

Drought declared in Hertfordshire & Keep Sun-Safe

The Environment Agency has declared a drought including here in Hertfordshire . So please be mindful with your water use, be sparing and avoid watering plants in the heat of the day.
For more information see: UK Heatwave: Official drought declared across large parts of England –

Whilst the hot weather continues avoid over heating and heatstroke. Some simple actions that can help in these current hot days include

1. Keep curtains on windows exposed to the sun closed while the temperature outside is higher than it is inside.
2. Stay out of the sun (especially between 11am-3pm).
3. Drink lots of water, stay in the shade, wear hats, sunscreen, thin scarves, and light clothing if going outside.

And keep an eye on your neighbours, especially those who live alone, are

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The grass and vegetation is bone dry – No BBQs

No BBQs please. The grass and vegetation is so dry it will easily catch light.

Please be extra and dispose of your litter in bins or take it home.

It’s not just smoldering cigarette ends that can cause a fire. The sun’s reflection on glass, liquid in plastic bottles etc can also cause a spark and a fire set itself going.

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Tidying up the B651

We are delighted that Herts County Council Highways are resurfacing the B651 north of Nomansland and the Wicked Lady. Thanks too to the Wheathampstead Wombles who are taking the opportunity whilst there’s no traffic to litter pick the road verges.

Please do not litter. Let’s try to make our wombles redundant.

Don’t set Wheathampstead up in smoke!

Fire spreads fast in the tinder dry conditions we are currently experiencing.

Volunteers spotted unattended plumes of smoke and have just doused a fire set by children on the open grass near the river.

No fires please, nor striking of matches etc. You may not intend it but you could inadvertantly destroy a lot of property land, crops, buildings …..

and of course cause damage to life of people and animals.

It may seem like fun to start with, you may be in control. Then all of a sudden nature takes over and the fire takes control.

Climate Change – Behaviour Change

The Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP) collaborates on climate change, the environment and sustainability, taking county-wide action through the delivery of Strategic Action Plans. The plans can be viewed online via

The newly drafted HCCSP Behaviour Change Strategic Action Plan seeks to coordinate campaigns, interventions and projects to stimulate community-wide action on this priority area. If you are interested in commenting on HCCSP’s draft Behaviour Change Strategic Action Plan, please click through to the survey on Google Forms to find out more. The feedback period is open until Monday 15 August 2022.

Saturday 30 July – Memorial Hall car park closed

The foundations for the new ramp to the refurbished Memorial Hall entrance have been dug. This weekend our contractors will be digging out the soakaway.

The soakaway will be on the playing fields in between the car park and tennis courts, so initially expect some bare earth with grass seeds and in a month or two it will all blend in.

Access to the soakaway will cut across the car park from the east side of the Memorial Hall. Whilst work is in progress (over the weekend of 30 July) a trench will be dug and subsequently infilled and re tarmacked. There will be no vehicular access at this point to the east side of the car park. Work is being undertaken at this point as Village Surgery is not open on Saturdays.

Overnight parking is not permitted in the Memorial Hall car park. It is a car park for users of the facilities, including tennis courts and football pitches, none of which are used over night.

Work is anticipated to commence first thing Saturday morning. The east side will be barricaded off and access will not be permitted, including for any vehicles inadvertently stranded.