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Author: Parish_Admin

Annual Parish Meeting 24 March 7.30pm

Join us at the Memorial Hall on Thursday 24th March 2022 for your Council’s Annual Parish Meeting.

This is your opportunity to meet your local representatives, to chat to them, learn about and influence future plans, to get involved with our events, or the new rewilding project.

Prior to the refreshment break we will be presenting Gold Awards to our local heroes – Mark Carter and Richard Dawes, for their ongoing work on the Council’s open spaces.

You will also hear from and have the opportunity to talk to our local police team – PS Mark Essam and PCSO Alex Olteanu.

Julian Thornton and Phil Escritt will speak about the public rights of way through the parish and the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Learn what is being done to improve these, how you might chose to become involved.

Want to join the Events Team?

Come along to The Memorial Hall on Sunday 13 March, 2pm to 4pm and meet our Events Team and share your ideas – especially for Village Weekend. We are always looking to expand the team and welcome new ideas, old and new faces and new friends!

Stay for as little or as long as you like – and there is no pressure to commit to anything. Children are welcome.

Refreshments will be provided.

Refurbishment of The Memorial Hall

Works will begin later in March 2022. We anticipate that the work will be completed by the autumn, but in the meantime, there may be some disruption during working hours.

There will be a reduction in car parking spaces and the building will be closed during summer holidays (dates TBC). Temporary ramped access to the building will be clearly marked on the west side.

Visit the Developing The Memorial Hall page to find out more.

The Parish Council offices will also be temporarily relocated to Riverside House, Place Farm, Wheathampstead, AL4 8SB. However, contact details remain the same.

If you need to get in touch, please call 01582 832541 or email

John Burgess’s funeral

Former parish councillor and well-known village volunteer John Burgess passed away suddenly earlier this month, aged 76. He will be missed by many.

His family invite friends and colleagues to join them at John’s funeral, 2pm, on Wednesday 9 March, at St Helen’s Church, Wheathampstead.

Passing of Cllr Peter Woodhams

In late November 2021, one of our long standing councillors, Peter Woodhams, passed away.

Peter was a wonderful friend and parish councillor, and was much loved by the community and everyone who knew him. All of our events and meetings, among so many other things in Wheathampstead, will not be the same without him.

We are grateful for the kindness, humour and enthusiasm that Peter brought to the Parish Council.

Rest in peace Peter.

Notice of Vacancy – Parish Councillor


in the office of

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the
Office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Wheathampstead.

If by 13 January 2022 (14 days* after the date of this notice), a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to:
The Proper Officer, St Albans City and District Council, Civic Centre, St Peters Street, St Albans AL1 3JE, signed by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy.

If an election is not requested, the vacancy will be filled by the Wheathampstead Parish Council by co-option in accordance with the
Local Elections (Parishes & Communities) Rules 2006. If an election is requested, the election will take place on a date
determined by the Returning Officer within 60 days* from the date of this notice.

Dated: 20 December 2021

Julia Warren
Parish Clerk
Wheathampstead Parish Council
The Memorial Hall
Marford Road

*In computing any period of time for this purpose, a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or bank or public holidays or any day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning must be disregarded.

Please click here for a PDF version of this notice. 

Hollie Guard Personal Safety App recommended by Herts Police

Hollie Guard is a personal safety app that offers several features designed to protect you when travelling to and from home, exercising, socialising etc. 

If you feel unsafe, you are able to shake your phone, sending an alert to your chosen contacts. You can also use ‘deterrent mode’, which emits a high-pitched alarm and flashing light or ‘stealth mode’ to trigger a discreet alarm. Most features include audio and video recording, as well tracking your GPS location.

Visit the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) and search Hollie Guard to download the free app. Paid features are also available.