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Reed bed development

Following a public consultation at The Memorial Hall, Sanctus Limited have been appointed by Jarvis Homes to decontaminate the reed bed site through a process of bioremediation, which speeds up the natural processes. They provided a booklet titled ‘Remediation of ‘Meadow View’ Reed Beds, Wheathampstead – information and frequently asked questions (click to view).

All information regarding the various planning applications and history of the project, can be found on the St Albans District Council website. This will be consistently updated.

Travellers on The Meads

Wheathampstead Parish Council is aware of the situation with regard to the travellers and is following the relevant processes.

We will provide updates as and when they are available.

Thank you to those who have reported the matter to both us and the police.

Keeping hedgehogs safe

Do you know what to do if you find a hedgehog?

The Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary have come up with a checklist you can use should you come across one of our spiky little friends.

District election results

District councillor elections were held on Thursday 2 May 2019. Sandra Wood (Conservative) won the majority of the votes and therefore remains one of Wheathampstead’s District Councillors.

Parish Councillor elections

This year we have an uncontested election for Parish Councillors. This means that the twelve candidates who stood for election will automatically be elected on Thursday 2 May. This will include the current nine councillors, with the three new councillors commencing their roles on 7 May.

Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road – closure from 8 April

Please be advised telecommunication installation works at Harpenden Road/Wheathampstead Road, Wheathampstead is programmed to take place on Monday 8 April (weather permitting).

To facilitate these works a road closure will be in place from 9.30 am- 4pm Monday – Friday,  8am – 5pm Saturday and 10am – 4pm Sundays.

This is currently programmed to be completed between:

Harpenden Road (junction of Brewhouse Hill to the junction with Wheathampstead Road): 8 April – 3 May

Wheathampstead Road (junction of Harpenden Road to the junction of Piggotshill Lane): 29 April – 24 May

Further information on these works can be found via the permit at: and You can also call 0161 907 1234.