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Flytipping – please report to St Albans DC
To report a flytip with evidence please email with location and details of what has been dumped. If you use the ‘What3Words’ app it will give a precise location and include on a photo.
Flytips with no evidence can be reported to, this goes direct to Veolia.
When in doubt you can still email to report any flytipping. These will be raised for the police to investigate.
There is also a national fly posting app, -Clear Waste which you can download and use free of charge from your App Store
Village Weekend 2022 – THANK you all!
Thanks to all who supported Village Weekend, and especially to the team of dedicated volunteers. We cannot deliver our events without your help and support.
We’d love some photo memories – those you are prepared to publicly share (and the subject is also happy). Below a few – of our ever popular Wheathampstead’s got Talent (and didn’t those young participants show us how much !), Picnic on the Meads and of course Village Day. Lots of colour and fun with our rainbow theme, lots of joy on possibly our hottest Village Weekend.
Please share your memories to And if you’d like to become more involved and perhaps join our volunteer team, don’t hesitate to contact us
Village Weekend has arrived!
It’s a bright and sunny weekend, so come fit, dressed for the sun and keep hydrated.
Looking forward to seeing everyone and having a fabulous time. And again thanks to our sponsors and to the many volunteers whom help make these events happen.
Restoring the heathland at Marshalls Heath 9 July 10am
Can spare a couple of hours on Saturday morning (9 July) to pull some more rosebay willow herb at Marshalls Heath?
It’s a beautiful flower but in the wrong place here at Marshalls Heath. Volunteers are working hard to restore some of the Marshalls Heath habitat to heathland.
The Wheathampstead Open Space Volunteers plan to meet at the Heath at 10am. You’ll need some gloves and long trousers as there’s a bit of bramble and stinging nettle to contend with. Please bring your own drink. Mark Carter, who is leading the team, will bring some cakes and can pick up anyone who would like a lift at the East Lane public car park in the village .
Village Weekend – this weekend! (9-10 July)
Looking forward to seeing you all once more but:
Village Weekend Sat 9th and Sun 10th July – Volunteers needed
We’re looking forward to Village Weekend after a two year break, and hoping the sun will shine and everyone will have a fabulous time.
It’s run for the community by the community. Your councillors are all volunteers and this two day event takes a lot organisation. Have you got an hour or two either day you could spare to help out the stalwarts who traditionally ‘run’ it? from set up to close down we need help with many small jobs, such as coordinating the parking, directing people to the right point, marshalling, litter picking, serving refreshments on Picnic on the Meads.
If you’ve helped before, please confirm that you’d be happy to help again, if you’ve not assisted please get in touch.
You can speak to any of our events team or councillors but ideally Julia Warren or Anna / Andy Park who are coordinating this. or call the office on 01582 832541.
Thank you!